in the works

Lessons Learned from Wondering Around China
At the beginning of the China travelogue I mentioned 4 reasons for us staying in country for the summer holiday. So you might be wondering if those reasons held up. At least, I sure was wondering. So, in retrospect: Traveling Read More …

Serendipity in Xi’an
Xi’an: the bonus city (pronounced like sshe’an – so you don’t end up making strange, guttural “x” noises that sound like you’re about to spit) As you might recall, our original itinerary included both Beijing and Xi’an. But we were having such a nice Read More …

Hallelujah Zhangjiajie
Well, they aren’t actually the Hallelujah Mountains from the movie Avatar, but the Tourism Department would like you to think so. They’ve spent a good bit of publicity on Avatar posters, clips from the movie which are spliced into real shots of the park rolling Read More …

A Day in Changsha
Changsha, Hunan province, was…another big city in China. Huge, smoggy, bustling, but with this specific advantage: Hunan food! We had merely one day in which to tour the city – unless you count from 10:00pm-12:00am in which we argued with taxi Read More …

Day 9 Leaving Belize
Thursday, May 17 It rained all morning of the last day, which threw the chatty investor’s prophecy from earlier into further shadow. Or maybe he was going by the rainy season calendar. From all we could tell, people more or less Read More …